HOTPPG Shoot Out 2016 Famillies

We had two families.  They first was this couple and their daughter.  This was really hard as the little girl was not really into the experience.

Christa Aaron and Noraa

My second station was with a teenage girl.  As we were finishing with her, her mother came up and wanted a picture of the two of them.

Courtney and Cindy

The second family was my last station.  It was getting dark, and the little girl was obviously done for the night.  As I was setting up the light and getting my exposure, I clicked this one and it turned out to be quite good.

Benjamin and Baby

I did get one of the whole family after that.

Stevens Family

HOTPPG Shoot Out 2016

Last week we had the annual HOTPPG shoot out at Carleen Bright Arboretum. We had seven models/families and got to shoot each for about 10 minutes. Courtney

Again, as I said in a previous post, I am enjoying these moody kinds of portraits in which the subject is looking away.


This was of a young man.  I had him posed standing against a rail fence, and it gave kind of a rustic look to the overall image.


Another young man. This one was the hardest to get. We did this in the evening as then was setting, and this location had really strong direct sunlight.  It was almost impossible to get anything that looked good, but I was finally able to get this, and I like the casual look of it.


Another one of my kind of experimental images.  I wanted to incorporate the leading lines of the fence, but the light wasn’t cooperating with me. It turned out OK, though, as this could be used as an image for a graduation announcement or something like that by adding text to it.

Cindy 1

This woman is a local author who needed some shots for publicity.  I like the colors in it.

Additionally, she asked if I could take one that could be used for her business cards.  I did one that I really liked on the back of the camera, but when I looked at it on the screen, the focus point was off, and her face was out of focus.  However, I took this one as well that I think really did do what she requested.

Cindy 2

Rowing on the River

The Waco Wild West 100 Bike ride was last weekend.  As always I was heavily involved with the rest stops, But I also took a lot of pictures at the Start/Finish line. As with last year’s I was setting things up, I noticed there was a rowing competition on the river and I took some pictures of them from the Washington Avenue Bridge.Eagle Eye View

There was some rather strong manipulation involved in this image.  I took it into Nik Color Effects Pro 4 and added the Indian Summer effect.  That increased the yellows in the foliage on the bank of the river.  I also added a subtle texture to the image, but it still was missing something.  So, I decided to add it the image of the Great Blue Heron flying over the top of them.