Audrey Senior Photos 2

We went up to Denton to do more senior pics of Audrey. We started out at a place where there was an old bridge over a ravine.  If was obvious it was a popular spot for portraits as there were several other people there taking pictures.  Audrey Bridge

The first ones we did were on the bridge. I wanted something a little moody with a rather dark background so, I underexposed and added a flash.

2016-09-17 at 10-02-18

Then I had her sit next tot he rusted railing and did this one. After that, we went to Texas Women’s University.  There were several spots there where we shot, but this one turned out to be one of the best.  For some reason, lately I am liking the moody atmosphere of looking away from the camera.

2016-09-17 at 14-11-55