McLane Stadium

Baylor has built a new football stadium on campus.  Everyone has been eager to take photographs of it.  I have a couple in my own style. Here is my picture of the stadium.

McLane Stadium

It is am impressive facility.  I wanted to go a little beyond the normal photograph, though, and I took pictures of the old Floyd Casey Stadium and superimposed on into the reflection in the water.  I call this “Now and Then.”

Now and Then

Double Helix

The Heart of Texas Professional Photographer’s Guild holds monthly competitions.  For August, the theme for one of the competitions was “Around in Circles.” Bryant Stanton is a local artist who works in metal and glass.  He was commissioned to do a chandelier and a sculpture for the new Science Building at the Community College.  His sculpture was in interpretation of the Double Helix.  I decided to work that up as my entry for the competition.  This was my final product, and it won the competition.

Double Helix