Blood Moon

Sunday was a rare combination of a lunar eclipse and a “Supermoon.” During such an event, as a result of the nature of the light, the moon appears to take on a deep red color. It wasn’t the easiest picture to take, as the area in shadow is extremely dark and the area not in shadow is bright.  So, an exposure fusion ended up being the best way to get a good picture.


Freedom Ball

Saturday I was asked to donate photographic services for The Freedom Ball.  This event raises money for scholarships for the children of service men. It was about the same thing as a wedding reception, with a couple of wrinkles. One of the things they do is show their appreciation for the widows.

2015-09-19 at 18-54-07

One of the ceremonial portions was the “Missing Man Table.” It honors those who could not attend the event.

2015-09-19 at 18-35-55

Down the Hatch

The Heart of Texas Professional Photographers Guild has monthly image competitions.  Each month, anyone in the guild can submit images to the competition.  Additionally, in a separate competition, there is a specific theme, and the images must be in that theme.  For September, the theme was “a product.” I had planned on doing an image of pouring beer out of a bottle.  I was going to have a glass and above the glass, at an appropriate angle was going to be the neck of the bottle, and I was going to have beer coming out of the bottle into the glass.

August is the month in which Hatch Chili Peppers are harvested.  The “season” is rather short, but the green chilis are special.  Debbie was at the store and saw they actually had a beer that had Hatch chilis in it.  So, I changed my original concept.  I wanted to photograph that beer.  Next to it was a glass.  Some beers are trying to distinguish themselves by having some form of garnish – usually a slice of a citrus fruit.  I used that and had a garnish on the glass of a slice of a chili pepper, and surrounded the bottle and the glass with peppers.  My image can in first in the competition.

Down the Hatch