Beauty Lighting and Head Shots

Saturday, I watched a video of Peter Hurley doing head shots of various people. He took some amazing shots, but the video was really about his “process.” Debbie was doing a bunch of things and heard it more than watched it. She hated Hurley. He was loud and abrasive and even somewhat abusive with these people. He would say things like “You’re eyes aren’t the same size. Turn your head so the beady one is closer to the camera.” but, he did do something quite interesting.
He had a chart called “How Does Your Inner Child Feel Today?”. It is a bunch of faces that correspond to emotions. He would look at it and randomly choose one of the emotions. He would say, “Show me innocent.” He explained that the expression he got might or might not be something interesting that he could photograph, but he said that the person would always realize they made a silly face and break out with a huge smile.
OK so, today I decided to try some beauty lighting. I powered my beauty dish with the Polaroid PL135 as the key light with a reflector underneath in a clam shell orientation. I added a Qflash T4d as a hair light. I had to power both down as low as they would go to shoot at iso 100 and 1/100, f/2.8 with my 85mm lens.

So, I told Helen to give me Joy.

SONY DSCThen I told her to show me pain.


Then, I asked for wistful


OK. Rather plastic.  So, I sat down.









Relief that this is over.


Landscape Contest


I am not sure where I found out about ViewBug, but it is a site that has photo contests.  You can join for free, but that limits you to 10 uploads per week.  Some of the contests are free to enter.  Others cost.  You can also have a paid membership.  With that, you can upload as many photos as you want, and you do not have to pay for any of the contests.

I was looking at their contests, and one was a free contest for landscapes.  It was sponsored by a weekly photography news web site. So, I entered two of my HDR photos. The idea is that anyone on the site can view the pictures and vote on them, and after the submission deadline, judges will decide the winner.

This is kind of like American Idol.  I could have gone on Facebook and told everyone to go to the site and vote for my picture, but then it is no longer about photographic quality, it is about how many people you can get to vote for you.

The deadline for the contest was June 1.  I was just notified that this picture was “ranked in the top 20 most voted percentile.”  I am not exactly sure what that means.  There were 8900 pictures entered in the contest.  If mine received enough votes to be in the top 20%, then it was one of the 1800 best.  So, it is kind of hard to get all that worked up, but all in all, I still think that was pretty good.

Galveston – The Elissa

I have been doing quite a bit of HDR imagery using Galveston locations.  We were down there the weekend of the 8th.  I didn’t really feel in the mood on Saturday morning but then remembered we joined the Galveston Historical Society. That meant we could get into The Elissa for free.  So, I decided to go down to the harbor and shoot a little and go on The Elissa and shoot.


In looking at one of the magazines, I saw a picture take roughly in the same place as this.  Only, it was a night photograph, and all the winds glowed brightly.  It was an effective picture, and I would like to try a similar thing at some point, but this was just take from behind Willie G’s looking back at it.


While we were in the harbor, this fishing boat came in.  It made an interesting subject for an HDR image. Then I noticed that a woman on the boat was quite busy dealing with the catch and got a nice picture of her.


We then went over to The Elissa and walked around the ship.